Rose | Emotional Balance, Anti-inflammatory, Menstrual Relief

Rose | Emotional Balance, Anti-inflammatory, Menstrual Relief

Regular price $60.00 Sale

Root and Bones' Rose 10:1 dual extract is used to support the blood by regulating the qi, stomach and spleen. Rose is a “qi” (energy) tonic in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which also helps ease painful menstruation.

Add one serving to any warm tea, milk, coffee. Take daily or as needed. 

Properties: sweet, slightly bitter, warm
Channels: Liver, Spleen
Key Characteristics: gently regulate the qi and blood, harmonize the liver, spleen and stomach, regulate menstruation.
Indications: Promotes the movement of qi and relieves tension. Harmonizes the blood and disperses stasis for irregular or painful menstruation

2.25 oz (64 g)

80 servings

*This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.