Skincare For Your Luteal Phase

Wrapping up our series on Skincare for your Menstrual Cycle, we come full circle in exploring the energetics, hormonal shifts, and how to tend to your skin during each phase of the menstrual cycle. The last phase of each cycle before it begins again is the Luteal Phase, your Inner Autumn.

But first let's recap the first three phases we covered:

  • Menstrual Phase: Your Inner Winter, the ultimate yin time, when we rest, turn inward, and conserve energy.
  • Follicular Phase: Your Inner Spring, the energetic equivalent of a cool breeze gently clearing away any remaining leaf litter and debris.
  • Ovulation Phase: Your Inner Summer, the ultimate yang time in your cycle, when you likely feel expansive, social, and all about outward connection

Associated with the Waning Moon and either the Metal Element in TCM or the Water Element in western alchemy. This is a time when your energy begins to turn inward once more just like the moon's light gradually fades toward restful darkness. Coming off the high energy of Inner Summer (ovulation), your body begins to slow down and prepare for deep rest (menstruation).

Just like a calm, still pond, your intuition becomes crystal clear during your Inner Autumn. You gain clarity and get answers that may have arisen during your Follicular and Ovulation Phases. That stillness and quiet create space for reflection.

So what's going on as far as your hormones during your luteal phase?

After ovulation, what's left of the follicle from which the egg was released begins producing progesterone. The rise in progesterone signals to your body to keep the endometrium (the uterine lining), turning it into a cushy bed in which a potential fertilized egg would implant and grow into a baby. This ripening of the endometrium happens each and every cycle after ovulation, no matter if fertilization occurs or not. If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum (what's left of the follicle from which the egg released) is reabsorbed, and the body prepares for menstruation by stopping the production of progesterone. This drop of progesterone is what triggers the shedding of the endometrium, i.e. menstruation.

So you see, there's a lot that goes on during your luteal phase and the ebb and flow of hormones including progesterone, estrogen, FSH, LH, and even testosterone. It's an intricate dance. The deeper I dive into exploring this tidal activity of the endocrine system, the more astonished I feel at the things the human body is capable of. It's amazing!

Progesterone itself is responsible for so many functions in the body, both related and unrelated to menstruation. It stabilizes your mood, relieves anxiety, balances out estrogen, promotes relaxation and deep sleep, and soothes your nervous system. It's also necessary for healthy bones, brain function, optimal metabolism, and more.

During the luteal phase, as progesterone levels rise, sebum production may increase and potentially lead to oily skin and breakouts. For some people though, skin can feel more dry with the drop in estrogen that comes during the luteal phase. Still for others, including myself, it's a combination of the two.

Wherever you fall within the spectrum of oily/dry/combination, supporting your skin during this phase involves managing oil production, calming inflammation to prevent acne, and maintaining hydration.

So, what might your skincare ritual look like during your luteal phase? Here are some ideas:

Cleanse with Vesper Cleansing Oil to maintain the skin’s moisture balance without stripping natural oils. Oil cleansers function within the concept that like attracts like, so the oils in the cleanser bond with the excess oils and oil-based impurities on your skin.

The other role the oil cleanser plays is in signaling to your skin that it has enough oil and doesn't need to continue producing more of it at this time. When you use a foaming cleanser that strips oil and sebum from your skin, your skin often ends up over-producing oil because it believes there's a deficit.

Your skin is truly brilliant! It knows how to balance itself.

So, cleansing with an oil deeply nourishes your skin while discouraging overproduction of oil.

After cleansing, or even in place of cleansing in the morning, use Lavender or Chamomile Hydrosol to deeply hydrate your skin as well as balance the pH of your skin after cleansing. Both of these hydrosols can help control oil production and calm inflammation. They contain aromatherapeutic properties to encourage relaxation, aiding in hormonal balance.

If your skin has any redness or inflammation, I recommend going with the Chamomile Hydrosol as it is incredibly calming for excess heat and irritated skin.

While your skin is still damp from hydrosol, apply 4-6 drops of Luna Balancing Serum. This serum is light enough that it won't clog pores or cause any congestion, it actually helps prevent it! The oils in this serum are also particularly calming for uneven skin tone, redness, and inflammation.

Once a week, treat your skin to the Rosa Purifying Mask. Rosa contains mindfully grown herbs with cooling, astringent, skin- and blemish-soothing herbs along with gently purifying clays that won't dry out your skin or cause further imbalance. Instead, it works to bring your skin back into balance, the plants harnessing your skin's innate intelligence through the language of Nature.

Lifestyle Tips:

If you typically struggle with bloating, digestion issues, or cramping during your luteal or menstrual phases, I highly recommend weaving Opus Womb Oil into your self-care. This can be a super simple ritual to move stagnation and ease tension in your belly and pelvis, which is often the cause of the symptoms above.

Warm a few pumps of Opus between your hands then place your hands on your low belly. Take a moment to connect with your body and slow down. Gently massage clockwise around your navel, spiraling outward down to your pubic bone and up to your ribs. If you find areas that feel tender or sensitive, explore them with a sense of curiosity rather than trying to "fix" them.

Your Inner Autumn also tends to feel like your Inner Virgo emerging. You may feel the impulse to reorganize your space, finish projects, go through your closet and donate old clothes, and check things off your to-do list. This is due to the rise in progesterone giving you calm, cool, collected energy. Make sure you're also nourishing yourself and giving yourself space to slow down and go inward.

Set aside time for journaling, working with your oracle or Tarot deck, cooking nourishing food, doing your meditation practice (whatever that might look like for you), and engaging in mindful movement.

Eating a diet low in refined sugars and high-glycemic foods as well as getting plenty of high quality protein can help manage acne-inducing inflammation and balance blood sugar, which in turn supports the endocrine system. Shoot for a minimum of 100g of protein a day as well as foods rich in omega-3 to keep your body feeling nourished and grounded.

Perhaps most importantly of all, prioritize good sleep. This, along with sunlight, movement, mineral repletion, and community are the foundations of health, including healthy skin and healthy, easeful cycles.

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